Genesis House is proud to present Women Talking*, the Academy Awards winning film by Sarah Polley, based on the novel by Miriam Toews. Inspired by true events that took place in an old order Mennonite colony in Bolivia, Women Talking follows a group of women faced with a difficult choice: Do they forgive the men that have assaulted them, do they stay and fight, or do they leave? The film grapples with themes of sexual assault, faith, community and justice.
Join us on Tuesday June 13th, 2023 at the P.W. Enns Centennial Concert Hall for a 7:00 pm film screening of Women Talking. A panel discussion will be held following film at 8:45pm, featuring three community members. This special screening is being held to foster awareness about violence against women and educate on resources available in our area.
Admission is free and no registration is required. Donations can be made to support Genesis House Low German Programming at the event. Please note, this film is rated PG-13 due to sexual assault, mature content and some strong language. Viewer discretion is advised.
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